At Community Bible Church we are going to quit taking the offering
I have always been uncomfortable with the phrase “time to take the offering.” I don’t want to “take” the offering. I guess it’s a little better to say “time to receive the offering.” The church should not emphasize taking someone’s offering; we should focus on someone giving their offering. Don’t get me wrong; the church needs people to give. We operate under the same financial constraints as any organization. We have to pay the electric, water, sewage, and trash bill. We need to pay a janitor and for his supplies. Sunday School material is shockingly expensive. Both Jesus and Paul taught that the pastor is worthy of his reward. Missionaries around the globe depend on the church for their financial needs. Make no mistake, money fuels ministry. Yet, I have always felt uncomfortable, especially on the “big Sundays” when many guests are in attendance, with taking the offering. I know the church is not after their money, you know the church is not after their money, but what do they know? Many churches have stopped passing the plate. They have a box in the lobby in which to place your offering. More and more have tablets set up where you can use square or some form of digital giving. We’ve come a long way from when our great great grandparents brought eggs or produce to the worship service as an offering.
For now, we are going to stop taking the offering. This summer, we are going to place the offering plates at each exit of the Worship Center. We’ll see how it goes. But please, don’t forget to give your offering. I’d hate to have to take it from you.