Expand your world

I love small town life. I try never to leave Lebanon County. I might venture to Lancaster County, but you have to drag me kicking and screaming to Harrisburg.

However, I’m wise enough to know that my love for life in the Borough is counter-productive to fulfilling the great commission. In Matthew chapter 9, Jesus gave us some ways to expand our world without leaving the country

You can expand your world by what you see (verse 36). What we are determines what we see. When we do travel, I am always looking for church buildings. You might look for antique stores, or maybe you’re a contractor, and you’re always looking for new construction. As a pastor, I’m always scanning the horizon for church buildings.  Regardless of what we do for a living, or if we are retired, we are all Christ followers. As such, we should see thru the Lord’s eyes (verses 35-36a). In a similar instance in John 2 Jesus said to lift up your eyes to see the harvest. Jesus modeled this. Jesus saw the woman at a well as a potential worshiper. He knew she had been married five times and was now living in sin with a man. But Jesus saw more than that. He saw a woman who was thirsty but not for well water. Her soul was parched. What do you see when you look at people? Do you see them as Jesus sees them? It will expand your world.

You can expand your world by what you feel (verse 36). The King James Version says He was moved… He was moved to do something… moved to action. We don’t just need the eyes of Jesus; we need the heart of Jesus. His eyes affected His heart. He didn’t just look away. He gave us the story of The Good Samaritan to remind us there is always someone in need of compassion. You don’t need a special gift to be compassionate; the love of Christ in us is enough motivation. People’s greatest need is the gospel.

You can expand your world by what you pray (verse 38). There are always more opportunities than workers (verse 37). The Greek word used here as “send out” is the same word used concerning demons being cast out or expelled. Pray that God would cast out people into the harvest field.

You can expand your world by where you go (verse 35) by reaching people everywhere (wherever you go). The woman at the well reminds us that the harvest surrounds us. Going for each of us is different. But we are always going somewhere. You are going wherever you are. That’s what Matthew 28:19-20 implies, “as you are going” make disciples.

We are not all going to go to Africa or South America. But we are all going somewhere today. Look around expand your vision. See the harvest all around you.


At Community Bible Church we are going to quit taking the offering


Hocus Pocus