Book Review “Hope for the Same-Sex Attracted”

Hope for the Same-Sex Attracted

©2017 by Ron Citlau

Bethany House Publishers

171 pages

Pastor Ron Citlau writes from personal experience. He openly shares his own same-sex attraction and why there is hope for those touched by this issue. He is firm in his belief in biblical authority. He believes homosexual behavior is sinful, as is all intimate sexual activity outside of heterosexual marriage. He believes that “gay identity” and “gay marriage” do not deliver on their promises. He especially writes why these are bad options for Christians who deal with same-sex attraction.

Ron not only includes his own testimony but the testimony of several others who live out their Christian faith in spite of their same-sex attraction. He demonstrates that there is hope. He clearly articulates the gospel and the necessity of involvement in the local church. There is much worthwhile in this book, for those struggling with homosexuality and their friends, family and church leaders.

I need to offer one caveat. Ron writes from a charismatic perspective. Some of the groups and experiences he mentions are outside of more conservative Christianity.


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