Book Review “The Vanishing American Adult”

The Vanishing American Adult
©2017 by Ben Sasse
Published by St. Martin’s Press
306 pages

I recently heard someone say that in the most recent presidential election they wrote in Ben Sasse on their ballot. After reading this book, I wish I also had.

Sasse is the junior United States Senator from Nebraska. He graduated from Harvard, spent time at Oxford, and has a Ph.D. in History from Yale. Before being elected to the Senate in a landslide, he was one of the youngest college presidents in the country. He is also very concerned about the younger generation. He wants to “rebuild a culture of self-reliance.”

This book is not a “hey kids, get off my lawn” kind of book. Yes, he points out the obvious, but this is a solutions-oriented book. He believes steps must be taken to preserve our democracy. He is starting with his children. He challenges parents to start with their children. He has some great steps to take with practical applications. One can only hope that more parents and educators would follow suit.

This is a fascinating read that I highly recommend, especially to parents and young adults. Maybe next Presidential election we won’t have to write in his name.


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