“Today you shall be with Me in Paradise”

Read Luke 23:33-49

These are stunning words. This convicted criminal, who lived his whole life contrary to the law of God, who had never done anything for God and who would never do anything for God, was going to heaven when he died! Is this right? Is this fair? Is this just? No, but it’s the gospel.

In these words, we hear Amazing Grace
This thief was a lost man who knew he was lost; he was a condemned man who knew he was condemned. The dying thief didn’t deserve to be saved, which he admitted (vv. 40-41). We should remember that Matthew tells us that at first, both thieves insulted Christ. He was in no position to merit salvation (vs. 41 is what he deserved). A.W. Pink wrote: “He could not walk in the paths of righteousness for there was a nail through either foot. He could not perform any good works, for there was a nail through either hand. He could not turn over a new leaf and live a better life for he was dying.” Salvation is wholly by grace!
Romans 5:20 “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more”
The unrepentant thief also prayed. He prayed for more time. More life, just put off death a little longer (vs. 39). He had no remorse for his sins, only that he had to pay the consequences of them! But the repentant thief knew at death he would meet God! (vs. 40) The sinner’s prayer was honest (he needed saving) & humble (he couldn’t save himself). This forgiveness may have been free, but it wasn’t cheap! God decreed that He, who was most holy should die among the least holy! This is the gospel, the Holy for the unholy, the death of the righteous one in the sinner’s place. These two thieves represent the entire human race. Ultimately the human race isn’t divided by geography, or skin color or economics, or even between good people and bad. It’s divided by a cross; lost sinners on one side saved sinners on the other.

In these words we hear Certain Grace
This wasn’t a “hope so” salvation. Some people claim you can’t know you are going to heaven until you die, but that is not what the Bible says. “Truly I say to you” means most assuredly you will this day be with me in paradise. How could this man know his salvation was secure? He had Jesus’ word on it.
2 Timothy 1:12 I know whom I have believed and am persuaded…
“Today” salvation is not a process. It is instantaneous. You don’t have to wait and see. What a day he had! In the morning, he was crucified on a cross, in the evening, he was welcomed by Jesus into paradise!

In these words we hear Personal Grace
“You will be.” God doesn’t save everyone. God doesn’t sinners “en masse.” God saves sinners individually, one at a time. He prayed, “remember me.” Christ being in the middle meant that each thief could hear Christ, could watch Him. They could also hear the crowd (vs. 35 “He saved others!”). They both could read the inscription, “This is the King of the Jews” (vs. 37). Pilate put the superscription on the cross to quiet his conscience, but God used it to win a soul. This was the first gospel tract. “With me” heaven is being in the presence of the Trinity for eternity. Spurgeon wrote that this “man who was our Lord’s last companion on earth” was His “first companion at the gates of paradise.”

Many see this as a deathbed conversion and believe it offers them an excuse to wait. However, you may not die in your bed (you might get run over by a truck). The thief wasn’t saved at his last opportunity; he was saved at his first!

The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day;
And there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away!


“Woman, behold your son!”


“Father forgive them”