“Woman, behold your son!”
Read John 19:23-27
The Cross is a place of forgiveness…even for the worst of sinners. The Cross radically changes our relationship with God. It also changes our family relationships. It creates a whole new family dynamic. In the New American Standard Bible, vs. 25 starts with the words “Therefore the soldiers did these things.” Several other modern translations also start vs. 25 this way. The translators felt that that statement should be more closely linked to the phrase, “But standing by the cross were…” Verse 25 links the actions of the Soldiers in opposition to the women at the Cross. It possible that it is just to draw attention to the drastic difference between the two groups. The small group of soldiers is playing a game, while the small group of followers is reverently standing near the Cross. Some scholars suggest another explanation. It’s possible that His mother gave this tunic to Jesus. As the soldiers gambled over who would get it, Jesus thought of the one who gave it to Him.
These words grabbed John’s attention
Notice the exclamation marks! Only John records these words. They are the first words that John records. He doesn’t remember hearing the Lord’s prayer to His Father. He doesn’t remember hearing the Lord’s words to the thief. These words weren’t spoken to him, but now Jesus is talking to him!
This wasn’t a message just for John’s ears, but also for his eyes
“Behold” means be observant; Look! See! Jesus first looks at His mother (vs. 26). Jesus wasn’t the only one in pain that day. What must His mother have felt!. A mother’s love is born through pain. When Mary took the baby Jesus to the temple, Simeon predicted that a sword would pass through her own heart. The first time the sword pierced her heart was when innocent babies were massacred near Bethlehem because of Herod’s fear of another King of the Jews. The sword struck again when she heard the whispers that implied that her Son was not who He claimed to be. Now at the Cross, the sword divided Mary’s heart again, piercing her to the very depths. She had planted kisses on the brow of that little boy that now wore a crown of thorns. She had held those chubby little hands that were now pierced by the nails. Many a bedtime, she had washed those feet that were now nailed to the tree. When at last, the soldiers pierced the side of her Son, it felt as if the spear had already sliced her own heart. In spite of His agony, the Lord remains a faithful son. As her firstborn, He has an obligation. He ensures that His widowed mother will be provided for.
Jesus tells His mother to look at John
Of course, some questions immediately come to mind. Why does He say woman? Why not mother? Though some make too much out of the mother Mary, even going so far as calling her the mother of God, Jesus downplays this relationship. What does Mary see? She doesn’t see her other children there. They did not yet believe. They were too ashamed. Instead, she sees the disciple whom Jesus loved. The disciple who stayed near the Lord through His trial. He is the only disciple at the Cross. Jesus will no longer be her Son; He is now her Savior. John is now her son (vs. 26). The power of the cross impacts even the dearest of relationships. We also have a new family, the family of God.
Jesus tells John to look at Mary
John is to see his new mother. With these words, Jesus restored John. His sleeping, then fleeing, in the garden is forgiven. John is trusted again! John is valuable! John is forgiven at the Cross!
John took her to his house, her new home
Thank God, this is not the end of the story. For three days, John’s house, Mary’s new home was filled with mourning, until Sunday morning! It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming.