Book review of “Pastoring the Pastor”

Pastoring the Pastor: Emails of a Journey Through Ministry
©2012 by Tim Cooper and Kelvin Gardiner
Published by Christian Focus Publications

This is an easy to read and even easier to enjoy little book. The authors invite us to look over the shoulder of a young pastor as he composes a number of emails to his uncle, who is a veteran pastor and as he reads the responding emails. The email addresses give us a hint of how the relationship begins. The young pastor is, his uncle is! Eventually Daniel moves to the same email provider as his uncle Eldon.

We vicariously experience the thrill of a new pastorate and reality as it sets in. We also get to read the email of a few others (with their permission of course) who give us their unique perspective on how things are going at Broadfield Community Church. We are comforted by uncle Eldon’s wisdom and insight. We move from feeling like eavesdroppers to being invested in Daniel’s ministry. It is a delightful journey.

I recommend this book to new pastors (and their wives) and to church members who would like to get inside of the head and heart of their pastor. Even older pastors will enjoy the memories and be challenged to become Eldons.


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