Book Review of “Active Spirituality”

Active Spirituality: grace and effort in the Christian life
©2014 by Brian Hedges
Published by Shepherd Press
143 pages

“Acedia” n. spiritual or mental sloth; apathy. Thomas Aquinas wrote about it in the 13th century. Brian Hedges writes about it in the 21st century. Medieval monks worried about it in the midst of their solitude. We confront it in our media age. “I sometimes wonder if acedia now manifests itself in frittering time away on smartphones and the Internet, in channel surfing…” (pg. 25)

This book appears at an opportune time, as a debate is ongoing concerning the believer’s means of sanctification. Into the fray steps the author, who addresses the issue using an unusual format, a series of letters written to a young Christian. It is a follow up to his first book Christ Formed In You: The Power of the Gospel for Personal Change.

Brian Hedges believes that acedia is the enemy of progressive sanctification. “We are after all, commanded to grow. Contrary to what some people may think or desire, spiritual transformation doesn’t happen instantaneously or automatically. Rather, change is an intentional process. It requires planning” (pg. 101).

This book presents the balance between resting in Christ and walking with Christ in the Spirit. Although I confess the book started slow for me, and its style may not be for everyone, I recommend it.

This book freely provided for review by Shepherd Press and there was no expectation of a positive review.


One of my all time favorite sermons (tongue in cheek)


I’m thinking about writing a book…