“What if Easter never happened?”

Read 1 Corinthians 15:12-19

Yesterday was probably the most unique Easter Sunday in the history of the Church (since I believe the Church started on the day of Pentecost, the first Easter doesn’t count). We are thankful that, although we had to cancel our gathered worship service, Easter wasn’t canceled. But what if Easter was canceled?

In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul speaks to some in the Corinthian Church who were attracted to Christianity, except for the foolish notion of the Resurrection. This idea that anyone could physically, bodily rise from the dead was a little too much for them to swallow (v12). Ironically it didn’t turn them off to Christianity because they didn’t think it was all that important whether they believed in the Resurrection or not. They felt they were learning a lot about life, and they were enjoying the friendship of the Christians, and that was all they needed. The “feel good” part of Christianity appealed to them. Paul was going to let them in on Christianity’s dirty little secret…Christianity, without the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a scam.

A resurrection-less Christianity is useless (vv13-15)
Let’s follow Paul’s logic. If people can’t come back from the dead, then Christ can’t either, and if Christ can come back from the dead, so can we. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then Christianity is vain, it is simply empty talk. However, the Resurrection is not wishful thinking; it is historically based (vv4-8). The Resurrection isn’t based on the truthfulness of the Bible; the Bible is based on the fact of the Resurrection. If the Resurrection isn’t true, then the Bible isn’t either. If the Resurrection didn’t occur, it doesn’t matter what the Bible claims. The reality of the Resurrection means we take the afterlife seriously. If there is no Resurrection, then this life becomes our focus. There’s no thought of laying up treasure in heaven, of losing this life to find another. There is no longing for that change that only heaven will bring (vv42-49). If Jesus did not rise from the grave, Christianity then becomes another self-help therapy. Come to Church. It will make you feel good. Read your Bible; you’ll get inspiration. Pray it will reduce your tension and improve your wellbeing. But those things aren’t the problem (vv53-57). The problem is death.

A resurrection-less Christianity is worthless (vv16-18)
If Jesus did not defeat death, Christianity can’t keep its promises. There is no cure for sin (v17). There is no resurrection for us (v23). There is no victory over death (v26). There isn’t anybody in heaven (v18). The miracle power that we all need doesn’t exist.

A resurrection-less Christianity is hopeless (v19)
If the dead don’t rise again, we are to be pitied. Christianity is all a pitiful scam (vv14-15). But remember, it was an eye-witnessed event (vv4-8). It is the most crucial reality you can experience (vv20-26).

If your version of Christianity doesn’t include the Resurrection, it’s time to acknowledge the resurrected Christ as Lord of your life. If you do believe in the resurrected Lord, that same power is at work in your life today!


Context, Context, Context


“Father into Your hands I commit My spirit”