Paul, Timothy and me
As many of you know I turned 50 last February. I have found it liberating. I have been around the block. I have lots of life experience. I have earned the right to express my opinion. I do not have to consider myself a youth anymore, regardless of who I am around. I can say what I think and not care what you think about it. I will soon be “grandpa.” I am gray and wise (mostly on both). And I love it.
However, it has caused me to readjust my view of my favorite book of the Bible. I have always loved the book of First Timothy. I have read through it dozens (hundreds?) of times in the last 30 years. I have always considered it my handbook on pastoring. I have always identified with Timothy. First Timothy 4:12 has been a life verse to me. Tim and I used to have a lot in common.
Timothy came from a godly home (2 Timothy 1:5). He was taught the scriptures from a young age (2 Timothy 3:15). He was saved as a child (Acts 16:1-2). I was raised in a Christian home, by Christian parents and came to know the Lord as a young boy. I started attending Sunday School before real school. I grew up on sword drills and flannel graph. I sang the B-I-B-L-E (yes, that’s the book for me) and couldn’t get enough missionary stories!
As a young man, Timothy was mentored by an experienced pastor (Philippians 2:19-20). He soon began ministering to people older than he (First Timothy 4:12). He went to a hard place to minister, without much experience (First Timothy 1:3). I desired to go into the ministry at age 12. My pastor was much like a father to me. He taught me much. At age 28, I found myself pastoring a church that had been devastated by a wolf in sheep’s clothing (Acts 20:29-30). That experience drove me to a study of the scriptures (Second Timothy 2:15 & 3:16-17). Yes, Timothy and I used to be twins.
Now I am closer to the apostle Paul’s age than Timothy’s. Now I want to be a Paul to the next Timothy. Pray for me that I can find that “son” (First Timothy 1:2,18). Perhaps more than one, hopefully none of them will be a Demas (Second Timothy 4:9-10).