Review of Written in Tears

Written in Tears: A Grieving Father’s Journey Through Psalm 103
©2010 by Luke Veldt
Discovery House Publishers

I have finally finished my first Kindle ebook. I don’t know how many pages the printed book is, because page numbers don’t relate to the Kindle edition. For a great review of this very heart touching book see here. I recommend this book, but my review is about the ebook experience.

As I am writing this you can get a brand new print edition of this book for $6.09 ($4.57 used). The Kindle edition costs $6.99. At that price I would rather have the print edition. In fact until Kindle prices fall dramatically, I would always prefer the book in print. I realize that eventually the reading populace will be brought up on ebooks and that they will not suffer the withdraw from having an actual book in hand. (Yes I know that one day the “virtual” book will be considered the “actual” book, but not thank God in my lifetime.) Apparently you can bookmark your ebook and highlight a passage, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. It isn’t the same. If I had read the print edition I could at this very moment thumb through it and point to you passages that struck me. I can right now walk over to my book shelves and pull off any number of books and immediately turn to passages that impacted me as I read them. I cannot take you to the ebook and do that. I have finished reading it, but it is not a part of me.


In tribute to John MacArthur


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