Review of The Fruitful Life
The Fruitful Life: The Overflow of God’s Love Through You
©2006 by Jerry Bridges
Published by NavPress
187 pages
To the best of my recollection, I have read ten books by Jerry Bridges. In each decade of my adulthood, one or two of his books were just what I needed. In my 20s I read “The Practice of Godliness” and “The Pursuit of Holiness”. In my 30s it was “Transforming Grace” and “The Discipline of Grace”. In my 40s it was “The Gospel for Real Life” and “Respectable Sins”. Now as I turn 50 it is “The Fruitful Life”.
It seems Bridges and I have come full circle. “The Fruitful Life” is a reworking of “The Practice of Godliness”. The major difference is both the author and I have twenty-five more years experience under our belts. As Bridges felt a need to revisit the fruit of the Spirit, I likewise have a need to reexamine the Spirit’s fruit in my life.
Jerry Bridges is eighty years old and has worked with the Navigators (a discipleship ministry) for over fifty years. His writing reveals a humble believer who is not afraid to confess his faults. As I read this book, I felt like I was sitting across his breakfast table as he shared the details of his spiritual growth. I highly recommend this book.
This book was freely provided for review by NavPress and there was no expectation of a positive review.